Business Development
The BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT category is about marketing, sales, building your niche, marketing tactics / strategies, and client issues.
There are things that you can learn from a survey that just aren't available as quickly or cheaply. Things that are valuable.
These are my ideas on how an architect should be selected. I am not a fan of the usual methods.
Your design firm NEEDS a blog. Forget what you think that means. You need something lots simpler.
A solution to Getting Noticed and Being Considered - the two Perennial Marketing Problems.
Marketing doesn't have to be complicated to be effective. Just use these six steps monthly.
Marketing Tools for Architects is an infographic depicting the chief marketing tactics at your disposal for building the image that you want.
For an Architect the website is where prospects find out about you. Your blog can get them to return.
Every architectural firm needs to find a business development strategy that works for them.
There is no other way to dependably get the attention of your target audience without cost.
Business Development Blog
These are my ideas on how an architect should be selected. I am not a fan of the usual methods.
Mandeville is a sales process developed by Dr. Stu Rose. Mandeville is easy to learn, easy to do, and easily the most powerful sales tactic you will ever use.
Architects have questions every day and AI is ideal for getting the answers.