DeepResearch for Architects
Architects have questions every day and AI is ideal for getting the answers.
AI Design Assistants
It may be time for small-firm architects to start using AI - or at least get very familiar with what it can do.
How Much Are You Worth An Hour?
An IRL way of setting hourly rates for Architects and other consultants.
How Do You Calculate Fees?
Learn how to calculate an appropriate fee for nearly any architectural project - large or small.
Project Forms
Project Forms close the gap between project management and business management for small-firm architects.
For Architects a Contingency works better than stating a range of costs. Here is how much contingency to include.
Organizing Your Files In The Cloud
If you are happy with your way of storing your files, then this won't help you. If not, you may get an idea or two here.
How To Be A Genius At Estimating Costs
Setting up a project costs estimating template pays dividends in productivity and reputation.
Systems vs Goals
I have disappointed myself for years with my goals. Dilbert showed me a better way.
The Technical Design Diagnostic
The best way to understand what a good design solution requires is NOT to start designing. Try the TDD instead.
Thoughts On Specifications
The economics of design do not allow for the time it takes to write a specification and assemble a project manual. The solution.
Architectural Fees - Hybrid Projects
Architectural projects and fees are never as simple as they seem.
Build Your Knowledge Base With "Lessons Learned"
Build the value of your architectural firm by adding to your knowledge-base.
Make Your Own Building Code Checklist
Improve your process for meeting building codes. Includes an example.