Marketing Flowchart

I've written about what I think every architect should be doing about marketing. This flowchart may make those suggestions a bit easier to follow. At least it is visual.

If you aren't a fan of flowcharts, here's what you need to know.


Do you have a blog?

  • If you have a blog - good.

  • If you don't have a blog, can you add one to your website? Sometimes you can't.

  • If you can add a blog, do it.

  • If you can't, get a free account. Search Google for ‘free blogging accounts’.

  • Pick a host and familiarize yourself with the software.

  • Pick a template, something complimentary to your website. 

  • Get a domain name, or just customize their default URL with your firm name.

  • Add your logo. Don't overthink this. It is just a means to an end.

  • Create a blog page.

  • ​Add a menu link on your website to your new blog.

​Start publishing posts every couple of weeks. Include one or two images. Add text explaining the images. Here are some ideas


Do you email your blog posts to your prospects?
If you don't, get a free Email Service Provider [ESP] account. Google ‘free email service providers’. Check that they have a 'Simple RSS' template.

  • Set up a template for your emails using their 'Simple RSS' template.

  • Keep the template uncluttered. It is designed to re-package your blog posts as an HTML email.

  • Import your list of clients and prospects. All you need is First Name, Last Name, email address.

  • Set up your RSS Campaign and send yourself a test or two to refine the output. 

​I suggest that you schedule emails to be sent once a week on Thursday at 11:30AM. If you publish a post, that's when it gets sent. Otherwise nothing happens.
There is no other way to dependably get the attention of your target audience with little or no cost.


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Easy Marketing For Architects