Marketing - Simple, Cheap And Easy

Simple Cheap Easy Marketing

Each project that you undertake for your clients holds a lot of opportunities for attracting the next project. A simple post on Social Media, a blog entry on your website, or an email is all it takes. 

You want to show past or potential clients what you are doing that they would find interesting or useful (no bragging) so that you keep your name in front of them.

Write a couple of sentences about what is going on; add a picture for sure; and you're done.

Depending on how many projects you have in progress, spend an hour or so every week, fortnight, or month to consider what you can talk about. Fill in any blanks with a recap of past work or go into current work more deeply. A simple wall chart or spreadsheet will help you track what is coming up. (Download file).

On another note, studies have shown that the best days and time to get attention are T-W-Th between 10:00am and 2:00pm.


  • new commission 

  • design concept (3D?) x 3

  • final design (3D?) 

  • out for bids

  • contractor selection

  • ground breaking (whether ceremonial or not) 

  • foundations

  • framing going up

  • topping out (whether ceremonial or not) 

  • interior / exterior progress x 3

  • exterior complete 

  • dedication / open house 

Don't make a big deal out of each post or it won't be sustainable. A photo and a caption is all that is required. Keep in mind that these posts have a life expectancy of 15 seconds - if you are lucky.

​This is easily delegated to just about anyone who is willing to help. Gather photos on your phone that can be used. Make PDFs of sketches. The cost of building a reputation this way is insignificant and so is the effort compared to the cumulative impact year after year. 


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