Getting Organized To Apply For A Building Permit
An Architect’s guide for applying for building permits.
Design Phase Checklist Examples
A tool to tell Architects what needs to be done to complete the work of a phase of design.
How To Request A Proposal For Changes In Construction
The process for Architects to use for construction changes.
Permit Applications - Cover Letter?
Submitting a cover letter with your architectural plans for the permit application is a good practice.
Constraints - A Checklist And Questionnaire
There are always constraints in architectural projects. This is a way to uncover them early.
How To Kick Off Construction
Guide for Architects when transitioning to the construction phase of a project.
Construction Administration is an important phase of architectural services. DOs and DON'Ts from my experience.
Pre-Design Cost Estimating
The big secret to good cost estimates is revealed and a method of estimating construction costs without drawings.
CODA For Architects
There is a new tool that could be a game changer for your firm.
Read on to see what Coda can do for you.
Working With A Building Committee
A Building Committee seems to be the preferred project management method for non-profits, church-based organizations and higher education.
Additional Services
A simple method of requesting compensation for additional services, including an example form.