A Bidding Process

An overview of the architectural bidding process including checklists.

This is a Coda Doc embedded below that you can use to manage Bidding in your architectural practice. Get a free Coda account and add this Doc so you can make it a template for repeated use.

Click the double arrow in the upper left to see the page menu - there are three pages. Or see the instructions at the bottom for getting a free CODA account.

How To Get Coda

The real power of Coda Docs like ‘Bidding' is in the interactive tables. The best way to take advantage of that feature is to get a free Coda account and copy the Doc into your account. Or build your own Docs.

Step by step instructions to get Coda:

  • Click the “Open in Coda” button in the Doc above.

  • Click the blue ’Sign up’ button in the upper right corner.

  • Complete the Coda sign up form that appears.

  • You now have both a Coda account and the Bidding Doc.

Suggested use process:

  • Make a copy of the Bidding Doc and name it ‘Master’.

  • Make additions, deletions and edits to the Master so that it suits your needs.

  • Now make a copy of the Master and give it a new project’s name.

  • Use the new copy to guide your Bidding Phase on the next project.

  • Repeat the last two steps above for each new project


Pre-Bid Meetings


Getting Organized To Apply For A Building Permit