Masonry Coursing - Concrete Block
Concrete Block bond doesn't seem like something that needs much thought, but there are many ways to avoid a utilitarian appearance.
Here's Everything I Know About Masonry
A brief introduction to considerations when designing with masonry.
Pitch Pockets
Pitch pockets are one of the things that give flat roofs a bad reputation. Do it right.
Rooftop Equipment Screens
Rooftop Equipment Screens can salvage aesthetics from the eyesore of RTUs. Rooftop Equipment Screen example and details.
A painting schedule is deceptively complicated and tedious to assemble. Then there is this way to prepare a painting schedule.
Stage Floor Front Edge Detail
Detail of the edge of a stage or other platform without a railing.
A Keynoting system takes a big commitment of time. Who can reap the benefits?
Modular Masonry Retaining Wall Detail
Retaining Walls solve the need for a change in grade.
Reception Counters
If a reception counter is needed, the first decision is to determine the full role of that person.
Reception Counter Casework
A custom casework reception counter requires details to describe what is required.
Raised Counter For Seated Clerk
The ideal arrangement is clerk and patron eye-to-eye with the clerk seated and the patron standing.
Elevator Addition Details
When remodeling or expanding an existing building, adding an elevator can be a challenge.